Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Vancouver, Part One

Snow anyone?
After a long day of travels on Monday, we made it to Auntie Jo and Uncle Andrew's house in Horseshoe Bay.  It had been snowing for a bit, so our trek from the airport was quite an adventure in the minivan.  Needless to say, Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie J and Uncle A were happy to see us!

Emma's first plane trip was great -- she was such a trooper, especially with the 16-hour cross country haul.  She LOVED the plane and made quite a few friends in the surrounding rows -- anyone surprised?

On Tuesday, we took our first trek in the snow - down to the bay and back.  Emma was happy to be outside bundled up in the freezing weather.  We have plans for her first real snow angel.

We've settled in well and enjoying some much needed R&R.  The snow is continuing to fall, so it's pretty clear we will have a white Christmas.

Happy Holidays!

Hanging out on the plane.

Playing with chalk with Grandma.

Dad, Emma, Jo, Grandma & Grandpa in Horseshoe Bay.

All bundled up with Jo.

Snow angel!

Out on an adventure!

Let it snow!

The Hall Trio in Horseshoe Bay

All bundled up with Dad

What's going on out there?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

It was a long November...

November proved to be quite a long month for the Hall trio. We started out the month with Emma's 15-month appointment, which went just fine. She had some mild conjunctivitis, but nothing major. Coming in at an astounding 18 lbs and 1 oz. (about 8.2 kg), Emma came squealing in at the 3rd percentile for weight and 25th for height - she's petite...not a surprise.

The pediatrician didn't seem too concerned about her not walking - normal variation for walking is 12-18 months, so we went along our way. After about a week, we landed back in the office with a fourth ear infection in four months. After seeing a different pediatrician, we walked out with an ENT referral, and two others...just to make sure all is well with her development. Unfortunately, Emma's minor conjunctivitis was shared with her dear mother, so I headed off to the opthamologist a few days later for $30 eyedrops...ouch.

The next week we went to the ENT, and he scheduled her for tubes two days later. Bright and early at 5:30am, we headed off to outpatient surgery. She did really well -- and they have made such a huge difference. Within days, she was wild -- crawling all over the house and constantly talking.

Looking forward to the Thanksgiving holidays, we packed up for our second trip home of the month. About 40 miles out of town, traffic slowed to a crawl and then stopped for two hours. Although we were stuck in traffic, it wasn't all bad, as Dugald received a job offer from the UAB Research Foundation. We had been waiting all month to hear some news -- and news it was!

Our Thanksgiving holiday was great - it was nice to spend a few days away from the grind. Emma surprised us all by pulling up on the window sill and saying "pop," "yeah" and "baby" in one weekend.

Although our month was long and frustrating, we have much for which to be thankful. Dugald's new job is a new direction for him personally as well as our family. We are truly grateful for his new opportunity - as many others are not so fortunate in today's economy.

On a ride at Mimi and Pop's house.

Feeling much better after tubes!

Sweet Emma with Daddy.

Ear infection & fever -- but look at those rosy cheeks.

Fascinated by the sunlight on her fingers.

Turkey frying -- our new holiday tradition.


The Thanksgiving trio.

Hanging out with Auntie Kate at the fire station.

Thanksgiving family...