Monday, June 23, 2008

Hippies Smell

I know it's not my usual post, but I had to share!

Nestled in the corner of my office were three cases of beer. Bud Light to be exact - two years passed its "best by" date...if there really is such a thing for BL. They were left over from an event two years ago, and I had never dealt with them. I had planned on giving them away, but by the time I realized it, they were already expired.

Every day they taunted me. I really needed to get rid of them, but the idea of throwing all of it in the trash made the green in me a bit, well, green.

I wasn't sure what to do with them, but today I decided that enough was enough, and they had to go. So, I trucked them down the hall to the kitchen and proceeded to empty and rinse three cases of beer cans. They, of course, exploded all over the place; each can like a stale beer firecracker. Ugh...

When it was all said and done, I had 72 recycle-ready cans, all nicely repacked into their cases. Instead of the landfill, they will find a new home at the downtown recycling center.

I hope it was all worth it -- because now I and the kichen wreak of a frat party.

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