Monday, July 7, 2008

Stars and Stripes

This past weekend, Emma celebrated her first Fourth of July! We had a wonderful time celebrating with friends. We headed over to the Stones for our traditional festivities. With six adults and five children, it was a great adventure. We really wanted to stay for the fireworks, but decided that maybe next year might be better.

We stopped by the Barretts on our way home - they were having a family barbeque, and it was great to see them as well. We made it home to put Emma to bed and watched the fireworks on TV.

Red, white and blue!

The crew (L2R: Ellabee, John, Molly, Anne Bailey, Dugald, Kristen, Emma, Capp, Kevin, Laurie and Audrey)

The Hall Trio

Excited Emma!

Molly with Anne Bailey and Emma

1 comment:

Carla Jean said...

Aw, I met up with friends right across the street!