Wednesday, July 22, 2009

R.I.P. Squirrels

Let's just say the battle has begun.

The colony of squirrels that call our property (and often attic) home have, until this point, been tolerated. I wouldn't call a peaceful relationship, but we have made it work.

Until now.

Dugald and I were very excited that our beautiful crop of sweet corn was ready. We decided to wait a day or two to pick it - planning one of our weekday meals around it.

This is what Dugald found after a trip to the garden:

Every single ear of corn had been eaten by the squirrels in one night! Let's just say we won't have this problem next year. R.I.P. you fluffy, little destroyers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kristen- As a fellow gardener I am deeply saddened by the news of your corn demise- it really is tragic. If only....We didn't plant corn this year, and the birds have their fill of peaches and tomatoes a plenty- but so help me if they get out mystery compost melon I will die. hope we've all learned a lesson including how to get rid of unwanted pests...
Liz Sims