Friday, December 10, 2010

A Change Gonna Come

I saw a dear friend today, and she said something that really struck me. We were talking about life and its stages, and she said (to paraphrase), "Not every friendship is meant for a lifetime." It doesn't mean that the friendship didn't serve its purpose, but sometimes people and places aren't meant for forever.

This just isn't something I've been able to incorporate without serious angst...yet.

Whenever I start to feel a transition creeping in, it paralyzes me. I tumble into this over-thinking mess, running through every possible scenario and its resulting negative effects. The troubleshooter in me tries to figure out a way to fix the problem -- when there might not be a problem at all. Maybe it's just time to move on to the next thing.

I worry about the loneliness that I will feel. I worry about what people might think or say. I worry it will be the wrong decision. But honestly, it rarely is.

I have to learn to trust. I must trust that when my heart feels the transition on the horizon, maybe it's the Lord's way of preparing me for what new adventures He has for me and my family.

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