Tuesday, May 24, 2011

memories - in memory

Wow. Life and death are but a mere moment apart.

Steve Malone, my former pastor - a man who taught me, challenged me and married Dugald and I is gone from this world.

My journey with Steve began at Red Mountain Church many, many moons ago. As a young 20-something I was searching for my next step in life. Unmarried and unattached, I had high hopes of escaping the Magic City.

While waiting on my next great idea, I began to attend Red Mountain Church. Steve Malone, then pastor, had been tapped to lead this new urban church - charged with a mission and vision for the community. To be frank, this place blew my mind. Incredible messages, incredible music (thanks, Brian T. Murphy) and communion like nothing I had ever experienced. Each week, I left overflowing - full of questions, full of challenges and full of life.

Let's just say, I never escaped.

My experience with Steve changed me forever. He taught and mentored me in a way that no one ever had. His words awakened in me to whole new life. He guided Dugald and I into a covenant with one another and Christ on our wedding day. If it sounds big, it is.

But his story was complicated, and in what felt like mere moments, his story at Red Mountain was over. His story with me was over.

Let's be honest, Steve made some poor choices. Choices with consequences that ran (ok, still run) very deep. I don't really know all that happened, but the experience left me with an immense understanding that we all should cling to Christ and pray for wisdom to walk away from sin.

At the end of the day, Steve Malone was created in the image of God. He was loved. He is missed.

Steve taught us a song that is sung when a child is baptized. We sang it often at Red Mountain, and I think of him every time I sing to my sweet girls.

I am Jesus' little lamb,
Ever glad at heart I am;
For my shepherd gently guides me,
Knows my needs and well provides me.
Loves me every day the same,
Even calls me by my name.


Elisa M said...

I loved this. It is hard to say goodbye to someone that you said goodbye to years ago. Makes me really glad for Heaven.

Elisa M said...

I loved this. It is hard to say goodbye to someone that you said goodbye to years ago. Makes me really glad for Heaven.

The Halls said...

Thanks, Elisa.

I haven't really ever thought of it that way..."saying goodbye to someone you said goodbye to years ago" - so true. Yes, the more I experience life, the more I long for Heaven.

Miss you, by the way.

BB said...

well said my friend. heaven will see all things made new & right.

for now, heavy hearts longing for what should be.